Document & Records Management

Arnold von Büren, CEO of TCG Process, is a Swiss entrepreneur with three decades of experience in capture and input management. On a visit to Australia in February, IDM asked Arnold to outline his views of the current state of Intelligent Document Processing (IDP).

Concentric AI has released its 2022 Data Risk Report, which highlights a continued rise in oversharing of business-critical and sensitive documents.

As the National Disability Insurance Scheme (NDIS) continues to grow and mature, transforming the lives of more than half a million Australians, intelligent automation is shaping up as an important tool in easing the growing administrative burden. The NDIS assists Australians living with a disability to identify the support they need to achieve goals in many aspects of their lives.

US firm DryvIQ has secured a patent for its artificial intelligence-driven (A.I.) data classification and protection technology.

With the increasing volume of documents and data in modern business, managing and organizing them can be a daunting and time-consuming task., is an AI-powered document management platform designed to cut back on the hours employees spend on administrative tasks, such as looking for critical information within document review processes.

Chrome Consulting, a leading provider of SAP ECM Consulting Services, has announced a new reseller partnership to offer EncompaaS, an intelligent information governance solution.

AYR, a company specializing in Intelligent Document Processing (IDP) and Intelligent Automation, has announced the launch of the 3.0 version of its patent-pending Intelligent Document Simulator (IDS). IDS is claimed to solve two of the most significant challenges in the industry: the scarcity of training data for customer use cases and the ever-evolving formats and layouts of business documents.

Scientists of AI-company Smart Engines have patented a system of efficient localization and identification of documents in images in the U.S. on February 7, 2023.

Spectra Logic has launched a new archive solution for organizations that must manage and preserve massive amounts of data for long-term retention purposes. The new solution, called Spectra Digital Archive, is powered by Spectra StorCycle, an enterprise software designed to easily and cost-effectively archive data at scale.

​Lately we notice a strong proliferation of diverse classification and extraction technology providers that base their service offering solely on Artificial Intelligence (AI). Based on various AI algorithms their claim is to extract all meaningful data from documents without any human intervention.
