Document & Records Management

Parashift, a provider of advanced machine learning-based document classification and data extraction software, has announced a technology partnership with BSI, a leading CRM and CX software company. 

Israeli developer Cognni has launched a new information risk-assessment product that uses proprietary AI to provide a comprehensive analysis of direct and indirect threats to critical business information, with a scan taking just minutes to complete.

In February 2023, the 2022 Privacy Act Review Report was released by the Attorney-General's Department. The Report proposes many sensible reforms in line with the current cultural shift towards greater privacy regulation. Organisations should start getting ready now.

A small avalanche of data from various sources (including Gartner) confirms what many of us in the cybersecurity world have believed for years: security awareness doesn’t work. I suspect that this will not come as a surprise to anyone who works in security as it is routine for employees to prioritise pretty much anything else over security when a conflict arises.

Arnold von Büren, CEO of TCG Process, is a Swiss entrepreneur with three decades of experience in capture and input management. On a visit to Australia in February, IDM asked Arnold to outline his views of the current state of Intelligent Document Processing (IDP).

Concentric AI has released its 2022 Data Risk Report, which highlights a continued rise in oversharing of business-critical and sensitive documents.

As the National Disability Insurance Scheme (NDIS) continues to grow and mature, transforming the lives of more than half a million Australians, intelligent automation is shaping up as an important tool in easing the growing administrative burden. The NDIS assists Australians living with a disability to identify the support they need to achieve goals in many aspects of their lives.

US firm DryvIQ has secured a patent for its artificial intelligence-driven (A.I.) data classification and protection technology.

With the increasing volume of documents and data in modern business, managing and organizing them can be a daunting and time-consuming task., is an AI-powered document management platform designed to cut back on the hours employees spend on administrative tasks, such as looking for critical information within document review processes.

Chrome Consulting, a leading provider of SAP ECM Consulting Services, has announced a new reseller partnership to offer EncompaaS, an intelligent information governance solution.
