Enterprise Content Management

A new Web site for Australian Prime Minister Kevin Rudd joins a wave of Government 2.0 initiatives to launch on the open source Drupal platform.

The Transport Education eLibrary, a new online facility established at www.transportlibrary.com.au, uses Inmagic Presto software to provide access to a growing number of documents and resources.

Around 650 staff at Western Australia's Health Corporate Network (HCN) are now tackling their shared services role for the WA Department of Health with an Objective CMS.

A UK Audit Commission report that highlighted that many councils do not use data effectively has been sized on by Objective as an opportunity to press home the importance of a modern approach to digital information management

Coveo has unveiled a new Desktop Search application as part of Coveo Enterprise Search 6.0.

Open Text and Fuji Xerox Australia have announced a strategy to offer an end-to-end solution for content capture, delivery, processing and archiving.

Around 650 staff at Western Australia's Health Corporate Network (HCN) are now tackling their shared services role for the WA Department of Health with an Objective CMS.

The South Australian Government is embarking on an ambitious state-wide program to automate the processing of more than two million invoices annually, using technology and workflow from Basware and Readsoft

A new software solution from The Priton Group (US) integrates scanned data from KODAK Capture Pro Software into Marex Group’s FILEBOUND Document Management Solution.

A new add-on for SharePoint, Virto SharePoint Workflow, expands the range of the standard SharePoint activities, providing wider opportunities for creating custom activity sets, and thus, more flexible customization of business processes.
