Document & Records Management

Interwoven’s latest version of Collaborative Document Management is out, promising increased business agility through the optimisation of document-intensive business processes.

NetApp is boasting that it can help customers cut up to 80 percent of data centre power consumption through more efficient data management.

Forrester Research has named records management software developer CA as top dog in its latest "Forrester Wave: Records Management, Q1 2007" report.

Charges have been dropped against former HP Chairman Patricia Dunn, while three other defendants in the case will also avoid jail time in the fallout from HP’s boardroom spying scandal.

A former IT manager at PAN Pharmaceuticals says he was ordered to destroy computer data and then cover his tracks by changing dates on his computer.

Australian data access and analysis specialist Space-Time Research has secure a significant deal with the Russian Federal State Statistics Service, catapulting it into the European market.

Executives at Intel are under the spotlight over email archiving problems, with large amounts of email that could prove vital in an antitrust case brought against the chip giant by arch rival AMD currently missing.

Taupo District Council has turned to an Objective ECM solution to enhance their information management and improve overall business processes.

2007 looks to be the year of RFID, with yet another vendor coming announcing a tracking system, this time for records management.

LogicaCMG has today launched its RFID Innovation Warehouse in Sydney to showcase RFID technology implementations in real warehouse business scenarios.
