RFID Aids Records Management

RFID Aids Records Management

March 9, 2007: 2007 looks to be the year of RFID, with yet another vendor coming announcing a tracking system, this time for records management.

FileTrail has unveiled its latest RFID Tracking Kit, proclaiming it a comprehensive and affordable solution to track files and records in business and government offices.

The solution combines browser-based software with Gen 2 RFID technology that the company says can be easily customised. The kit includes the RFID hardware, RFID tags, software, service and support needed to get a system up and running.

"Gen 2 technology made RFID viable for the office environment by cutting the cost of RFID tags in half and increasing read ranges from inches to feet in 2006," says Tom Pemberton, Vice President of Product Strategy for FileTrail. "The combination of Gen 2 RFID and our Records Management software is solving the most costly problem in the office environment today."

FileTrail says its system enables companies to keep tabs on all documents, cutting time and costs associated with lost files, not to mention reducing security hassles. The kit includes a handheld RFID tracker that can read tags from up to four feet away. If a file goes walkabout, it is identified and an alert sounds and the description of the file in question is displayed to further aid tracking.

The company says that the system also increase audit efficiency. For example, periodic audits are performed by law firms to update the locations of files. Compared to a barcode system, FileTrail says its RFID solution can reduce an audit of 5,000+ files in 200 offices and desks from 32 hours to 4.

FileTrail also claims that its browser-based software automates a common manual processes such as labelling, requesting, boxing for storage, ordering from commercial records centres.

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