Kodak unveils Capture Pro Software v4.0

Double Data Entry indexing and automated image enhancement tools have been added to Kodak’s Capture Pro Software in the latest Version 4.0 update.

Data indexing is a key part of many jobs or business processes. Capture Pro Software’s new Double Data Entry indexing feature enables “double blind” entry of index data by two separate operators.

This method compares the inputs and prompts for a correction if needed to prevent indexing errors and ensure data integrity. Expanded Database Look Up capabilities support lookup on one or two key index fields, which enables users to populate fields faster and more accurately from Open Database Connectivity (ODBC) sources.

Upgrades to Intelligent Quality Control (QC), a core component of Capture Pro Software’s imaging enhancement capabilities, include deskew and auto-crop. Intelligent QC is capable of optimising images from both Kodak Scanners and other sources such as MFPs and other manufacturers’ scanners. Users can apply image enhancements even when original documents are unavailable.

Improved image quality, coupled with automated detection features, help to improve accuracy and readability. This contributes to improved downstream recognition for enterprise document management applications.

The software fits easily into departmental, production batch- and transaction-level workflows for a wide range of applications such as accounts receivable, claims processing and back-file conversion.

The output capabilities of Capture Pro Software v4.0 have been extended to allow simultaneous output of documents to a range of file formats including file, system, email and print.

An expanded PDF output function includes file protection via password encryption as well as support for both Fast Web View and documents longer than 5m.

Capture Pro Software also includes comprehensive integration with Microsoft SharePoint Server and other ECM systems. The image capture software is capable of importing index configurations from a wide array of column types found within SharePoint Applications.

A single interface provides users with a familiar set of imaging tools, which help businesses save on training costs and avoid complications and inconsistencies via shared settings for multiple users. No per-click or volume charges keep operation costs low and predictable. This unified approach allows users to customize for specific job and user management requirements with individual application programming interfaces (APIs).

A Network Edition of Capture Pro 4.0 can be used to centrally manage multiple capture and indexing stations. Administrators can also use the Network Edition to gain enhanced insight into status, throughput and performance-based metrics.

The Auto Import Edition of Capture Pro Software helps businesses automatically import existing image files and associated metadata. Imported files include documents originated electronically such as emails and faxes from shared folders on a network. Imported image and data files benefit from the same image enhancements, indexing tools and output capabilities as a scanned image.

Capture Pro Software v4.0 will be available in the US and Canada beginning June 7 and in other parts of the world shortly after.

“Kodak is aiming to make CapturePro Software v4.0 available to new customers in Australia and New Zealand sometime in July,” said Francis Yanga, Business Manager for Document Imaging, ANZ. 

Existing customers of Capture Pro Software with valid Software Assurance will be able to receive the new features of v4.0 at no additional charge as the product becomes available in their locales. For a free 30-day trial, visit www.kodak.com/go/captureprotrial.