Enterprise Applications

OpenText has announced the second generation of its advanced cybersecurity auditing technology.

Data quality was nominated as the main obstacle to uptake of Generative AI, according to a global survey undertaken for Informatica. The report, which canvassed 600 enterprise Chief Data Officers and other data decision makers across the US, Europe, and Asia-Pacific, found nearly all (99%) of generative AI adopters have encountered roadblocks

AI is expected to heighten the global ransomware threat, says the UK's national security and intelligence agency, GCHQ. It has issued a new report which suggests artificial intelligence will almost certainly increase the volume and impact of cyber attacks in the next two years.

ReadiNow has received its 14th patent for its no-code digital transformation platform.

LawToolBox, a provider of legal tools for Microsoft 365, has entered a strategic relationship with iManage to create a seamless deadline, document and Microsoft 365 collaborative experience across LawToolBox, iManage, Outlook, and Microsoft Teams. 

Okta has completed an Information Security Registered Assessors Program (IRAP) assessment and has been assessed to the Protected level.

Spreadsheet blunders aren’t just frustrating personal inconveniences. They can have serious consequences. And in the last few years alone, there have been a myriad of spreadsheet horror stories.

In the coming year, artificial intelligence (AI) is poised to shift from a conceptual discourse to a practical reality, transforming organizational processes across various industries, including government entities. Assessing how technology will impact on the modern workplace in the year ahead, Alyssa Blackburn, predicts three areas where AI will have an impact.

Microsoft has removed the enterprise restriction on availability of its AI tool Copilot, which will now be accessible to Microsoft 365 Business Premium and Business Standard Customers.

IDP vendor Codemantra has introduced a new solution known as Calibrai CX-One for addressing pervasive challenges around locked up data and insights within static content, streamlining manual processes, and transforming unstructured digital files.
