Document & Records Management

GMB Research & Development has released an email manager which captures, indexes and stores all emails at the server level to provide a complete corporate transaction record.

The dawn of the century means fresh ideas and new directions.

With the bug beaten, organisations are now developing strategies for an online future that will deliver concrete returns.

In the wake of Y2K, in what form will ERP endure, and how will it interact with other technologies?

A new report from Ovum reveals that the knowledge management market will grow to US$4.4 billion this year.

Scorecard of KM vendors

One WA law firm is transforming its information management approach, to integrate myriad

New Zealand's medical industry is showing the world how a national records management system can be built.

A Victorian local council is staying on the financial ball with a business process overhaul.

The Australian government is beginning development of a digital signature process for use by Australian businesses in dealing with public sector agencies.
