Breaking News

Hitachi Data Systems have been named number one among hardware vendors for the best services policies and programs in a recent report from Gartner Research, “Storage Resellers: The Front Line of Storage Service.”

Data recovery from Fujitsu MPG3 hard disk drives is available in Australia now for $199. The Brisbane office of CBL Data Recovery Technologies has developed a software solution for accessing stored data on corrupted Fujitsu MPG3xxx series d...

EMC Corporation recently announced Pauls Limited as the first Australian customer of its Centera content addressed storage (CAS) solution.

SecureData Group has signed a reseller, support and implementation agreement with CommVault Systems.

Seagate demonstrated the first Serial ATA hard drive to offer Native Command Queuing, out-of-order delivery and first-party DMA (Direct Memory Access) technologies - features that are enabled on Seagate’s newest Serial ATA hard drive, the B...

The threat of the US going to war with Iraq has kept a lid on any major movement in the American stock exchanges of late. But the war was joined by high oil prices, HP earnings failure and law suits this week to serve up an enticing thriller.

Two major players have scored well in the Most Admired Companies ratings from influential American magazine Fortune.

Adoption of IT by Australian businesses has declined, according to figures released by the Australian Bureau of Statistics today.

There hasn't been the rush to voice over IP that some technology giants said there would be, but there is a movement towards it. As a result vendors of customer relationship management applications are moving to modify and integrate their a...

A document management application is to be integrated into enterprise resource planning systems from SSA Global Technologies. The Pacific arm of SSA Global Technologies has signed an agreement to distribute FormTrap from TCG Information Systems.
