NewsGator announces Social Sites 3.0

NewsGator has unveiled a new release of its Social Sites software that is compatible with both SharePoint 2010 and SharePoint 2013 offering a redesigned user interface called Lookout that provides intelligent information streams and more user control over how enterprise information is consumed.

With drag-and-drop simplicity, users can configure a personalised way to view all and only the content that's relevant to them — creating a very different social experience.

Users simply select the types of content they need – including activity streams, people, communities, topics, subjects, notifications, etc. – and Lookout intelligently filters out the "noise" from the useful information, serving it up in a multi-columnar dashboard view.

With Lookout, Newsgator aims to solve the biggest problem with the rapid adoption of today's social business tools: overwhelming users with information in activity streams and often missing important information in the process.

It says Lookout serves up information with a different kind of interaction model that, in a single glance, shows users what's new and what they need to pay attention to.

"Our customers told us they needed a better way to filter, refine, interact and consume large amounts of information in the social streams," said Brian Kellner, EVP of development and product management with NewsGator.

"Social Sites 3.0 is the result of that feedback. We designed it to intelligently offer customers a variety of customisable features that allow them to better consume the streams' information flowing inside their organisation and help customers."

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