ediscovery & Forensics

On the final hearing day of a Queensland parliamentary inquiry into the release of Fitzgerald Inquiry documents, Crime and Misconduct Commission (CMC) Commissioner George Fox defended Director of Information Peter Duell, who has taken ultimate responsibility for changing the embargo date on sensitive documents.

Technology for detecting sexually explicit image content has been added to the "app store" for forensic software platform EnCase from Guidance Software.

Lawyers may be enthusiastic about the prospect of comprehensive information governance as a means to reduce litigation e-discovery risks, but a survey of small and medium business by US analyst firm 451 Research indicates that non-lawyers, senior executives, and IT staff may not be placing a high priority on these legal and regulatory needs. 

Cloud email provider Proofpoint has released a new tool to automate the collection and preservation of information for legal holds residing on Microsoft SharePoint. The new module works in conjunction with Proofpoint Enterprise Archive.

Recordkeeping practices at Queensland's Crime and Misconduct Commission (CMC) remain in the spotlight at the ongoing Parliamentary inquiry into the release of sensitive documents from the Fitzgerald Inquiry, the landmark 1980s investigation into into state police corruption.

As discoverable content continues to grow at an accelerating rate, much of it has found its way into Microsoft SharePoint. SharePoint's collaboration tools, its flexible management of documents and other data, and tight integration with Microsoft's Office suite has spurred its wide adoption in the legal industry. But SharePoint's flexibility also presents challenges, both for organisations that need to manage data contained in SharePoint sites, and for law firms tasked with executing sound electronic data discovery (EDD) methods.

ATC-NY has launched a new forensics tool for the mobile market - Mobile Marshal - which can extract better information from smartphone backups.

Globally organisations are struggling with implementing their information retention plans as only a third report theirs is fully operational, according to Symantec’s 2012 Information Retention and eDiscovery Survey *.

Nuix has announced the release of version 4.2 of its eDiscovery software including an open and defensible predictive coding engine, as well as manual and automated, keyword-based redaction of sensitive information.

Can information managers learn from the way that search tools are increasingly being used to support legal e-Discovery practices? Andrew Warland asks the question and looks at the replated problem of  classifying digital records.
