Document & Records Management

Whether it be due to hardware failure, natural disaster or 'oops! wrong button' syndrome, company data is valuable and often needs rapid replacement when the unforeseeable happens. Tape has long been the primary choice for backing up compa...

The Department of Consumer and Employment Protection (DOCEP) of Western Australia has selected Objective to provide an enterprise-wide electronic document and records management solution (EDRMS) to be used by 900 people across multiple agencies.

In the wake of the recent spate of document security breaches and

Australia's banking community received an unwelcome reminder of how their IT systems can backfire on them when the National Australia Bank's (NAB) system failure allowed unauthorised foreign exchange trading to take place which cost the ba...

Being the CIO of an organisation that deals primarily in taxation and legal issues, you know you are going to have your work cut out managing the mountains of data that comes with the territory, which is why IDM was all the more pleased th...

Slow but steady movement towards shared electronic health care records is forcing healthcare providers to get their data management acts together. As David Braue reports, many health organisations are finding the going harder than they thought.

Interwoven believes that the relationship between its Enterprise Content Management solution and Microsoft's SharePoint products and technologies and future strategies between both companies will eventually help organisations around the wo...

The Corruption and Crime Commission of Western Australia has chosen to use Objective Corporation's electronic and document and records management system to help the newly formed agency control a wider range of information, such as intervie...

As the 22nd Annual RMAA (Records Management Association of Australasia) International Convention drew to a close, the event organisers came in for some praise for their efforts in helping elevate the level of understanding of records manag...

Fragmented document management and records management systems are set to be united at the NSW Department of Corrective Services to increase access to information for staff across the organisation.
