Tower's Trim toast of the town

Tower's Trim toast of the town

Oct 24, 2005: Tower Software has come out of the blocks with a number of interesting announcements this week. Trim 6 is out and up and running in Melbourne in preparation for the 2006 games, major progress is continuing in the US market with new relationships forged with the FBI and the state of Virginia and a new Australian survey shows how businesses are increasingly coming around to the importance and benefits of enterprise content management (ECM) solutions.

The new version of TRIM Context 6 includes advanced collaboration facilities and access to all commonly used functions via all popular web browsers. No software download is require, so all staff can use TRIM Context 6 from any computer straight away.

"With four generations of development, TRIM Context 6 is now an extraordinarily refined solution. It is capable of delivering successful project outcomes with measurable business efficiencies for our public sector and regulated industry customers." Said Straughan Schofield, general manager of product development. Check out the upcoming issue of IDM for more.

As for deployment news, TRIM has experienced rapid growth in the USA of late. It has been certified and bought as a pilot concept by the FBI and has recently been chosen as the state of Virginia's ECM solution.

Closer to home Tower have announced the successful implementation of it's TRIM Context suite within the 2006 Melbourne Commonwealth Games Corporation. Tower won the contract last year and has since taken on a major sponsorship role as a system provider.

Large events like the games mean a large range of documents are constantly in use. Everything from document files to images, books, films and multimedia presentations must be catalogued, made available to stakeholders and eventually archived.

After a few weeks testing and configuration, the rollout proceeded in October 2004 with the migration of all records on network drives into TRIM over a weekend.

The content management sector has grown by 80% in the last year, showing that the need for good ECM solutions is gnawing at the minds of business decision makers. Tower furthered this idea when they conducted a survey of senior records management professionals from 53 Australian organisations at the recent Records Management Association of Australia conference in Perth.

Their results show that around 70% of Australian organisations say that their information management or ECM solutions provide them with better regulatory compliance, quicker access to business information and more efficient business processes. Along with this, 64% experienced better capture and re-use of knowledge, 47% saw improved customer service and 42% had better legal discovery.

Tower managing director Martin Harwood said that "organisations are seeing the cost of non-compliance" however, it's not about scaring businesses into change. As the survey shows, implementing an effective ECM solution has many benefits. "An information management solution will help drive business change" Said business development manager Michelle Phillips. "And help organisations achieve compliance and best practice"

Full survey results are available at

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