Cole Inquiry Brings Legal Document Processing Specialist Into Spotlight

Cole Inquiry Brings ECM Vendor Into Spotlight

August 25th, 2006: The Cole Inquiry into the Australian Wheat Board's dealings with Iraq - and more specifically with BHP offshoot, Tigris Petroleum, drags document management specialist CCH Workflow Solutions in.

CCH Workflow Solutions, an Australian company specialising in the delivery of legal document processing services has been named in the Cole Inquiry into United Nations sanctions busting.

December 2005 saw an email sent from AWB's senior corporate counsel Rosemary Peavey to CCH's senior counsel Scott Gillard apparently requested that the company should not hand over documents relating to the payments made via Tigris Petroleum.

The words, "Remove documents with references to, or containing, the word 'Tigris' from the data-set that will be submitted to the commission. We do not require copies of these documents but would appreciate a list of the email barcodes for our records."

Peavey, according to documents submitted to the Inquiry, also requested that CCH withhold information held in its systems relating, also requested that documents relating to 11 AWB employees and external lawyers, including herself.

IDM contacted CCH Worflow Solutions prior to posting this story in order to clarify the involvement or non-involvement of the company in this ongoing matter. We received a firm, "We are unable to comment".


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