How is AI transforming Enterprise Document Accessibility?

By Alex Martinez

The rapid advancement of Artificial Intelligence (AI) is reshaping various industries, and one significant area where AI is poised to make a profound impact is Enterprise Document Accessibility.

In today’s digital age, businesses rely heavily on documents and data for their day-to-day operations, decision-making processes, and compliance requirements.

Ensuring that these documents are accessible to all individuals, including those with visual impairment disabilities, is a legal and ethical imperative and a crucial aspect of business sustainability and inclusivity.

The expectation is that AI technologies will be revolutionizing how enterprises approach document accessibility, making documents more inclusive.

Let’s discuss how Generative AI is set to greatly enhance the world of Enterprise Document Accessibility.

Automated document conversion

Traditionally, converting documents into accessible formats for individuals with disabilities, such as Braille, large print, or screen reader-friendly versions, has been time-consuming and labour-intensive. AI-powered document conversion tools have streamlined this process significantly.

These tools can automatically detect text and images in documents and convert them into accessible formats, reducing the need for manual intervention. This saves time and enhances the overall accessibility of documents, making them available to a broader audience.

Natural Language Processing (NLP) for content tagging AI, particularly NLP, is pivotal in improving document accessibility. NLP algorithms can analyze and tag documents with metadata, making it easier for individuals with disabilities to navigate and understand the content.

Through semantic analysis, AI can identify key concepts, relationships, and important sections within documents, improving the effectiveness of screen readers and assistive technologies. Furthermore, AI can adapt document accessibility interfaces based on individual preferences and needs. For instance, it can adjust the font size, colour contrast, and screen reader settings to match a user’s preferences. This level of personalization ensures that documents are accessible and comfortable for all individuals.

As the world population becomes a global village, realtime translation and accessibility will become more prominent, and localization barriers could challenge the broader global accessibility landscape. AI-powered translation tools can provide realtime translation of documents into multiple languages, breaking down language barriers and making documents accessible to a global audience.

High-volume PDF document composition is a demanding task that involves the creation of large quantities of documents, often within tight deadlines. Customer communication composition applications create many document types, such as bank account and credit card statements, utility statements, internet and cell phone provider statements, retail credit card statements, explanation of benefits statements, and government services statements.

These document types must be accurate, informative, and accessible to all users, including those with visual impairment disabilities. The legacy traditional print methods of document composition involve time-consuming manual processes, making it challenging to meet accessibility requirements for high volumes of documents.

Generative AI, powered by machine learning and deep learning algorithms, is poised to revolutionize high-volume PDF document composition.

AI can leverage NLP algorithms to understand the context and content of documents. This enables it to create documents that are not only accessible but also coherent, clear, and tailored to the needs of different audiences. It can learn and adapt over time.

As it processes more documents and receives feedback, it can continuously improve its accessibility features and document composition accuracy, ensuring ongoing compliance with accessibility standards.

The scalability of Generative AI makes it well-suited for high-volume document composition. It can handle large volumes of data and documents, reducing the burden on human operators and increasing overall productivity.

Benefits of generative AI in high-volume PDF document composition

The integration of generative AI in high-volume PDF document composition engines can offer a multitude of benefits. For example, generative AI streamlines the document composition process, especially by enhancing the existing composition templates on the fly, reducing manual effort and minimizing errors, leading to faster document delivery.

In addition, by facilitating automatically generated accessible document services, one can ensure that all users can access and interact with content regardless of their abilities. The ability to dynamically generate personalized content allows organizations to create tailored documents for individual users or clients at scale.

Generative AI helps organizations meet accessibility standards and legal requirements, reducing the risk of non-compliance-related issues. At the same time, it provides cost savings through a much more mature automated document composition and accessibility process that can reduce operational costs associated with manual or semi-automated processes.

Finally, embracing any advancement with generative AI for document composition demonstrates a commitment to innovation and inclusivity, providing a competitive edge in the market.

Learn more about how OpenText™ can help your organization make documents fully accessible and compliant.

Alex Martinez is a Senior Product Marketing manager at OpenText.