Retailer signs away paperwork headache
A solution employing Objectif Lune PlanetPress Capture and 1,500 Anoto digital pens is allowing South African multi-brand furniture retailer Lewis Group to eliminate paperwork generated by credit applications
Lewis Group is a South African leading credit retailer selling household furniture and electrical appliances. With a customer base closed to 700.000, they print, send and archive thousands of contracts, each year. Producing and processing all of these 13 page contracts has remained a time consuming task.
Anoto has been working closely with Objectif Lune, one of its partners to launch PlanetPress Capture. With a digital pen and paper solution from Anoto, dot pattern is added within specific areas of the document, where information such as signatures or prices are required. Once each document has been signed the information is transferred to PlanetPress Capture, Objectif Lune’s workflow automation tool.
To help to streamline processes, PlanetPress Capture has the ability to trigger any document output procedures, such as printing, email or fax distribution. A digital version of the document can be indexed and archived in any electronic document management (EDM) system. This eliminates the need for scanning or further manipulation and the document becomes immediately accessible.
“The digital pen captures and transmits the signatures to the company system where a digital version is created and the customers keep the original, signed document. Our credit application process is now fully digitalised and has already proven to save both time and shipping costs” said Charles Irwin, the IT Director at Lewis at the time of the original purchase.
“As a retailer, we want to sell more products and retain more customers, PlanetPress Capture solutions with Anoto’s digital pens enable us to be more productive, offer a fast service and allows us to stay competitive