
One of the world’s largest oil and gas technology and services companies has used Archive360’s FastCollect for Archives and its Archive2Azure  to find, migrate and manage all of its data from aging and/or end of life (EOL) systems into the Microsoft Cloud.

The civic experience of interacting with analogue voting interfaces is as Australian as the democracy sausage. Voters are confronted with tiny pencils, plus physical security measures that involve huddling in a cardboard booth and origami-scale folding. The use of paper ballots – and human counting of those ballots – creates one of the most secure electoral systems imaginable.

Speech recognition will reach the Plateau of Productivity within the next two years and six other technologies will reach mainstream business adoption in the next two to five years according to the 2018 Gartner, Inc. Hype Cycle for the digital workplace.

It’s unlikely these days that any medium or large organisation’s business plan would not include the goals of increasing efficiency and timeliness of delivery, as well as reducing risk. If information is the new oil, digitisation is the pump.

According to IDC, the total volume of data will reach 163 zettabytes in 2025. It is expected that 80% of this will be unstructured data. That’s a mind-boggling number, though what is even more amazing is that companies have only marginally shifted in how they handle their unstructured data.
