
What is a document really and what is its future? A very useful construct and definition of a document is provided by Joe Shepley of Doculabs in a recent article he wrote for CMSWire called, “The End of the Document? Not So Fast.”

Many MySpace users were dismayed to discover earlier this year that the social media platform lost 50 million files uploaded between 2003 and 2015. The failure of MySpace to care for and preserve its users’ content should serve as a reminder that relying on free third-party services can be risky.

Malicious or criminal attacks accounted for the main source of data breaches during the first year of operation of Australia’s Notifiable Data Breaches Scheme, according to a 12‑month Insights Report released by the Office of the Australian Information Commissioner (OAIC).

Enterprise organizations continue to push the boundaries in search of technologies that can understand and liberate meaning from unstructured content – documents, email communications, images, and text – given content is central to all business processes and activities.

At its most fundamental, the job of a professional records and information manager involves being able to sentence records for destruction. There have been many occasions when the frustrations and challenges of the job have left me wondering that I was the one being sentenced. So, you think the basic job of cleaning up information isn’t deadly work? Here’s proof.
